Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 79: The Butler Did It. So Did I.

Saturday morning weigh-in: 148.4

Boring? Yes. Effective? Yes again. Writing this stuff down, I believe, has kept me from eating a lot of the crap I used to eat (mostly in the evening — the worst time to eat crap. Not that there's a good time to eat crap. There's just bad times, worse times, and the worst times).

So a Saturday morning breakfast was on my agenda...

grits & 2 soft-boiled eggs, stirred to perfection
Beaumont Breakfast Blend coffee (1 cup)
orange juice (7 oz.)


Beaumont Caramel coffee (1 cup)

Then it was off to Northtown Fiat to test-drive a new 500L for an up-coming You Auto Know column. And back to the living room project. Cleaning-up a few odds & ends before the taping & mudding begins on Monday morning. Had a quick lunch of

Dannon coffee yogurt (6 oz.)
leftover cracked pepper-coated 
     turkey, naked (3 small chunks)
water (12 oz.)

Living room, blah, blah, blah...

A quick lunch often means a quick dinner also...

turkey w/cranberry relish on 
     Italian bread (1 sandwich)
guacamole w/tortilla chips
JonaGold apple (1)
Benton's chocolate chip cookies (4)
cranberry/raspberry juice cocktail (12 0z.)

and Tracy and I were off to the Regal Elmwood to see The Butler. I'm putting it on my "reccommended" list. While there, nothing more than a

popcorn, small (even though the guy tried up-selling me to a large — "You'll get a free refill!" Why would two large popcorns sound tempting to someone who wanted only one small?)

Came home to a little work on the computer, to the tune of

Benton's chocolate chip cookies (4 more)
Clancy's White Round tortilla chips (a handful)
cranberry/raspberry juice cocktail (12 oz.)

See you Sunday.

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