Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day 86: Jazzy Snacks

Saturday morning weigh-in: 147.8

Saturdays are for sleeping-in. And staying in bed until 8 a.m. these days is really sleeping-in. Awoke to

coffee, Beaumont Dark Roast (2 cups)
grits & eggs (1 bowl)

Watched a little telly — Thursday's episode of Project Runway. Why won't they get rid of that arrogant S.O.B. Kenneth? Fer Cripe's sake! Then got to work some on the living room, which will be done soon (so I've been promising).

Had a little lunch...

Tops Fruit-on-the-Bottom mixed berry yogurt (8 oz.)
leftover chicken/pasta salad (1 bowl)
Tops Pineapple soda/pop (12 oz.)

back to work, then a quick dinner —

cheese/pepperoni pizza from Pam's (3 slices)
Genny Light (2-12 oz. cans)

Yep, he was there!
and then took a nap. We was goin' out later! What a charmed life we lead; sitting in the living room of some friends we met over a year ago, and from time-to-time, from out of the crowd, step up jazz singers and musicians who take turns playing and singing (because this is what they do!). These folks are professionals, known all over WNY (and even across the country!), whom many have paid good money to listen to over the years, and there we are, sitting next to them on the ottoman while they perform. I tell ya, this is a great bunch of people, and I'm humbled to be counted among their friends! 

Her too!
Oh yeah, and there was food...

pasta salad
butternut squash soup
cheese/pepper-crusted pepperoni/cracker platter
chicken wing dip w/perfect celery
cherry tomatoes/mozzarella/basil on a stick
Italian bread w/fresh pesto
home-made brownies
home-made peanut butter cookies
home-made pumpkin birthday cake

And, yep, you guessed it!
I had plenty of everything (5 of the brownies — which I thing have some kind of addictive ingredient — and 3 of the PB cookies, of which you can't each just one)

Squirt (12 oz. glass)
Saranac Pale Ale (2-12 oz. bottles)

All-in-all — a very memorable evening!

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