Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 90: Alex, I'll Take Stephen King For $800

Wednesday morning weigh-in: 148.0

I can never decide if I should put the decimal in there if the number following it is a zero. But, there it is.

This morning, in a cost-cutting measure, I decided to brew my own coffee for the morning drive. Problem is, I don't like to have it too early, and by the time I was ready for it it was only lukewarm. And I still don't like drinking coffee out of those plastic "thermal" cups. So if I'm really trying to cut costs, I may just cut the driving coffee altogether. Bah.


coffee, Beaumont Dark Roast (1 cup)
everything bagel, plain (also from home — 1)

It was an almost uneventful morning, except for a stupid phone call (which we won't go into right now). Finished up in time to sit and read for a bit, just for a change of pace. A while ago I started Stephen King's novel from the Hard Case Crime series, "Joyland," and now I'm really getting interested. You've gotta love that trashy-looking pulp fiction-like cover.

Had a quick lunch of

Friendly Farms honey-flavored Greek yogurt (6 oz.)
Swiss cheese, sandwich slices (2)
leftover taco beef (about 1 taco's worth)
Wise All-Natural potato chips (a handful or two)
water (12 oz.)

Almost made a huge mistake with the chips. At first glance I thought the bag said "Au Naturel" and I was going to disrobe before eating them. Yikes!

Went back to work for the afternoon drive to Lewiston, then came home and did some house-cleaning. Alone for dinner, which usually means something along the lines of

ham & pepperjack on rye (1 sandwich)
Tops pineapple soda/pop (20 oz.)

A little more clean-up before settling down in front of the telly. Watched the season premiere of "New Girl" — I love Zooey Deschanel, but this show is starting to get weird; then the third installment of the TCM series "The Story of Film: An Odyssey;" and finished up with an episode of "Wheeler Dealers" on Velocity, where a guy sold the boys his Porsche 914, then bought it back after they'd fixed it all up — a first for the show!

The telly-watching wasn't snack-free...

Genny Light (2-12 oz. cans)
Wise All-Natural potato chips 
     (1 handful — the end of the bag)
Clancy's Wavy Potato Chips 
     (1 handful — the beginning of the bag)

That's enough of that for a while. I hope. (Stupid chips!)

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