Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 20: 22.2222 percent through summer

morning weigh-in: 150.0

As of today I've lost 40.4 percent of my target. Of course, that will likely change tomorrow with the two steps forward/one step back pattern I've been noticing so far. But at this rate, I just might make it before summer's over.


Life cereal, dry (1 bowl)
Tim Horton's coffee, medium black (1)

I'm surprised at the number of people who think it's weird to eat dry cereal for breakfast. I'm even more surprised by the number people who intentionally make their breakfast cereal all soggy and stuff by pouring milk on it. Blech!

Hit the gym around 12:45, and after an hour or so, where four miles passed me by on the treadmill, and I drank

water (12 oz.)

it was home for another late lunch of

ham and Swiss on whole wheat (1)
Yoplait Light Raspberry Lemonade (6 oz.)
water (12 oz.) 

Afternoons seem to whiz by when I don't get home until 2 p.m., and I usually can't account for the time between then and dinner (wasting time on the internet?), but today we sat and watched part of the previous evening's So You Think You Can Dance on the DVR (see photo below right), stopped it halfway through for a dinner of
Alex Wong, SYTYCD Season 9;
I can totally do this

diced ham & eggs
home fries
orange juice

Yes, another breakfast-for-dinner while we watched Monday's episode of Under the Dome on the DVR, followed by the rest of SYTYCD. What did we do before DVRs? Oh yeah, we taped shows on the VCR... but before that you had to actually watch a television show as it was broadcast! If you missed it, you missed it.

As I type this, it's about 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. If I close the notebook now I can ignore that bag of Wavy Lays that's calling me from the kitchen, and end today's entries. Sounds like a plan. 

Good-night Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.

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