Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 33: Dag-Blamed Vending machines!

Tuesday morning weigh-in: 151.8

and this time we'll blame it on Beer School! See? All you need is someone or something to blame and everything's A-OK!

So this morning I remembered the

Cap'n Crunch, dry (1 bowl)

but forgot a drink. And for some reason I never stopped for coffee. Perhaps my brain permanently shorted-out during last week's heat wave. Eventually I was in a building where a cold drink vending machine met me head-on. In went my buck, and out came

Powerade Mountain Berry Blast (20 0z.)

The sad part is that I was sure I was buying a bottle of water. "Gosh darn it," I remarked after examining the bottle, "whoever filled this machine really screwed-up!" Then of course, I looked at the button I had pushed, and, again of course, it said Powerade. Doh!

A quick lunch after a stop at the Artvoice office on my way home. 

Trader Joe's Greek yogurt, pomegranate (5.3 oz.)
ham & cheese roll-ups (3 — 
     this is what you have when you're too lazy to make a sandwich)
lightly-salted peanuts (a handful or so)

Quick because I thought my services were required by the home-improvement pooh-bah who's been helping with the work on our remodeling project. Alas, I wasn't needed today, so I headed over to the side yard and cut down more of the mess left from last Friday's storm. And a few small trees that, if they grew up, would have caused nothing but problems. Good-riddance to them all! Bah!

Dinner anyone? First, on the porch

file photo
Simpler Times Pilsner (1, 12 oz. can) 

and then

grilled Italian sausage on a bun 
     w/peppers & onions (1)
mashed potatoes (1 serving)
mixed steamed veggies (1 serving)
water (12 oz.)

Watched the latest installment of Under the Dome on the DVR before settling-in to some computer time, accompanied by

Clancy's baked Pita Chips (1 small bowl)
Trader Jacques Fleur de Sel Caramel (3)

after which we said good-night.

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