Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 28: O Cap'n! My Cap'n!

Thursday morning weigh-in: 149.2 lbs.

Steady as she goes, matey!

After the success of yesterday's frozen water bottle, I took along a couple from home for the work drive today. I wish I'd thought of that years ago. And breakfast... breakfast was something I thought of years ago (but rarely got):

original, 1963 Cap'n
Cap'n Crunch cereal, dry (1 bowl)
coffee, medium black Tim Horton's (1)
frozen water 
     (not to be confused with ice — 
      16 oz. and 20 oz.)

new, creepy Cap'n
This Cap'n Crunch seemed a little different from what I ate as a kid. For one thing it didn't seem to hurt the roof of my mouth as much; they must have rounded-off the corners or something. And for another thing, that new image of the Cap'n is just creepy. Bring back the 1963 version, I say! Someone at Quaker should walk the plank over that decision.

Lunch (no gym again, as the living room project starts to take over my entire non-working life, or so it seems) was around one o'clock

Tops Fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt, boysenberry (8 oz.)
Baker's Treat Peanut Butter Wafers (1 pkg. of 2, refrigerated)
lightly-salted peanuts (a handful or so)
water (4, 12 oz. each during the course of the afternoon)

Dinner was another lazy affair, with me filthy and Tracy getting home late

Arby's roast beef sandwich, regular (2)
Arby's onion rings
Tops Cherry Limeade (12 oz.)

and later, as Tracy, Katie, and I watched the premier of season 12 of Project Runway

John Sleeman India Pale Ale (341 ml)
Lay's potato chips, dill pickle flavor (a faceful or two; or three)

Which sent me off to bed pondering what might have been had I gone to fashion design school. Hah! Not!

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