Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 47: Going Plum Crazy

Tuesday morning weigh-in: 148.4

I realized today that we're more than half-way through summer (calendar-wise), and maybe it's time to look at where we stand.

The first day of Summer weigh-in was 153.4, so that's a loss of five pounds as of today. The goal (which I don't believe I have mentioned before) is 147. I've actually been there already since this all started, but you know how that goes. 

If anyone asks, the trick is two-fold: writing it all down (it makes you stop and think before you eat something you probably shouldn't); and only eating when you're hungry, not just when you get a craving for something salty/sweet. Because I haven't really given up anything totally, I've just cut back on the crap.

So today. Work day number one of the week.

Millville Multi-Grain Crispy Oats, dry (1 bowl)
coffee, black medium Tim Horton's (1 cup)

yellow plum
Stopped at a roadside market and picked up some fruit, and of course didn't wait to get home before having
July Red

    plum (1)
July Red 
    apple (1)
water (12 oz.)

Hit the gym, did four treadmill miles, and came home for a late lunch of

Yoplait Light lemon cream pie yogurt (6 oz.)
Bartlett pear (1)
jalapeño cheese (3 oz.)
water (12 oz.)

Did a little living room work, then started up the grill and lit the oven

grilled strip steak (1 portion)
baked potato (1)
green beans, steamed (1 serving)
Genny Light (1 12 oz. can)

Watched a little television, did a little computer work, snacked a little on

yellow plum (1)
jalapeño cheese (2 oz.)

and called it a day.

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