Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 51: Smokin' Fancy Day, It Was

Saturday morning weigh-in 148.6

Don't know why I woke up so darned early on a Saturday — 6:15 a.m.! Gave up going back to sleep at 6:30 and got up and had breakfast over the New York Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle (yes, we get last week's Sunday puzzle on the following Saturday).

soft-boiled eggs (2)
rye toast w/butter (3 slices)
Beaumont Morning Roast coffee, black (3 cups – 3!)

and then attacked the living room project. Ah, the smell of sawn wood! Took a very short lunch break

Fit & Active cherry yogurt (6 oz.)
Swiss cheese (2 oz.)
water (12 oz.)

The living room was still there when I came back. I think the walls are ready for the insulation now. And I was ready for dinner...

Genny Light (1 12 oz. can)
grilled chicken (1/2 breast)
chef salad w/French dressing (1 bowl)
Dakota's Honey Baked Beans (1 serving)
Diet Orange Crush (12 oz.)

Messala and Ben-Hur

Tracy and I started watching the 1925 silent film 
Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ. It's something we can't watch in one sitting — 2 1/2 hours of s-l-o-w-n-e-s-s. But we'll get back to it.

Yancey's Fancy Smoked Gouda (2 oz.)
marshmallows (3)

helped, but not enough. Time to go read the book I've been trying to finish for the past week or so: Red Flannel Hash and Shoo-Fly Pie — a 1965 book by Lila Pearl, about American Regional Foods and Festivals. I should be asleep in about five minutes!

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