Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 53: Let's Clean-Out the Fridge!

Monday morning weigh-in: 147.2

Somehow yesterday I got way behind on reading the Sunday papers. Finished The News, but the New York Times still sat right where I left it, so I went through a bit of it at breakfast...

Café Escapes Café Caramel coffee (1 cup)
Beaumont Morning Roast coffee (1 cup)
grits (1 bowl)
cranberry/orange muffin (1)

before heading out to the living room project. We've finally gotten the floor framed-in, and the electrical work inspected, so now I can finish the insulation and we'll get the drywall and plaster up-and-going. It'll be done before you know it! We took a late lunch break...

leftover pizza, cold (1 triangle, or slice, as it's commonly known)
Tops cherry Greek yogurt (6 oz.)
water (12 oz.)

and it was back to work, and worse, the clean-up after the work. Speaking of clean-up, we decided to attack the leftovers in the fridge for dinner. A piece of ham steak formed the basis for the

ham & eggs (1 small portion), and then
leftover cheeseburger (1)
leftover elbows in sauce (1 serving) 
Diet Orange Crush (12 oz.)

cast of RED
Did a little computer work before settling down to watch the DVD of the 2010 movie, RED. If you watch it, make sure you wear a bullet-proof vest. The movie snack? 

Friendly's Orange Creme Swirl ice cream (2 scoops)
marshmallows (3)

Ugh, those marshmallows!

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